
Summer Vacation Trip

We went up to Durham, N.C. this past weekend to celebrate Nana's birthday. (She met us there, and my uncle Adam and my Aunt Jennifer live there, and Aunt Melissa came down from New York!) Obviously, we spent a lot of time in the car, but for the most part I was pretty happy during the ride.

I watched a Barney DVD that Mama swore would make her crazy but I seemed to enjoy a lot!

And when we got really bored, Daddy gave us his gator hat to play with.

Go Gators!


We stopped at a very pretty rest area in Georgia on the way up, and Daddy and I went exploring.

When we got there we got to see Uncle Adam and Caedra's new apartment - isn't it beautiful? And even though he made those funny fingers over my head in this picture, I learned to say "Adam" this weekend! (I say it kind of like [a-um].)

When I met my Aunt Jennifer for the first time, she gave me a present. How exciting! (The bag wasn't even the present! It was a cute soft stuffed bunny rabbit, since her nickname is Bunni.)

And even in the hotel room, I had to have my YoBaby yogurt every morning. Seriously, I should be in a commercial for YoBaby! I don't look too happy here, I know. I got a fever the first day of our trip and felt pretty sick for most of the time we were there.

I played hide-and-seek with Nana in a restaurant - I'm way up top, see?

I bonded with my Aunt Melissa too, even though I'm still unable to say "Melissa". Don't worry, though, I'll get it one day!

Our hotel had a pool and even though I didn't feel great, Daddy took me swimming a little.

Mama let me take my bathing suit off and run around for a while in my 'birthday suit'... until I decided to pee on the pavement! How embarrassing! I was a little confused too because I couldn't figure out what was getting on my foot! (We've removed any offensive images for all you sensitive blogger fans out there.)

We went out for a very nice lunch for Nana's birthday, and I got all dressed up.

Mom and I sat at the big girl chairs too!  Posted by Picasa

All in all, it was a great trip!

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