
Turn, turn, turn

So, Mama wanted to take a video of how funny it is when I try to carry both Thing 1 and Thing 2 at the same time, but again I didn't do what she wanted. However, I did decide that spinning in a circle until I make myself dizzy is fun! And then I got in to all kinds of trouble with my milk and the couch, and you can just ignore that part...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness ... Sliding and gliding and cleaning and climbing and pushing and pulling ... you are a very busy Resli. A word about turning and turning and making yourself dizzy. I loved to do that when I was young and bones bent instead of broke. ALWAYS pick a soft spot surrounded by soft things to fall on .. like clouds of cotton or pillows filled with feathers. Dizzzy, dizzy, dizzy ... isn't that fun? See you soon.Love, DICK