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I'M BACK! It's been so long, I'm sorry I haven't been blogging lately. But we're finally moved into the new house, so things should get back to normal soon. It was confusing having all the boxes and chaos around, but I stayed happy...

and I even helped mom and dad unpack some of those boxes in the living room! Posted by Picasa
This is the best part of the new house - my yellow room!

Aunt Liz came to help me get settled into my room too. Posted by Picasa
My highchair came with us too! Here I am having some oatmeal in the new dining room with mom. Posted by Picasa
Here I am in the office with dad. We still have to hang some pictures in here, but it's getting there... Posted by Picasa
No, I'm not in this picture. But I was in the room when it was taken! This is the desk that Brian built in the ex-closet in the office -- now it's a super cool computer nook. We love it. Thanks, Brian! Posted by Picasa


Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't blogged in so long. Mom and Dad are going crazy with the new house and trying to get ready to move on the 23rd, and mom's been sick for the last week or so. So nobody takes any pictures of me these days! But here's one of me doing one of my favorite things - sitting on the couch and reading all my books! Check back soon for pictures of me in my new house (:->). Posted by Picasa


Look what I can do! I can stand up and hold on to the table...

And reach for my books...

Uh, wait, wait...

Mayday! Mayday! Falling! Posted by Picasa


Check out these teeth!! My Granddickie calls me Jaws, and now you can see why. Munch munch. Posted by Picasa
Yesterday mom and dad bought a house! Wow! We were all very excited, and they let me sit on the special closing table where they signed all the papers. I was very helpful. Posted by Picasa


I'm seven months old!

Oh, Dad wants me to hold the sign better. Can you see it now?

Hey, that's my sign. Whose pseudo-birthday is it anyway??

I LIKE eating my signs! Posted by Picasa
In the last few days I've gotten very good at taking off my own bib.

And then I can play with it, or chew on it, or smell it...

Eew! This stinks! Posted by Picasa


Happy Labor Day! Posted by Picasa
Yesterday we went out to dinner with Grandma and Granddaddy Ward. As always, Daddy let me stand on the table. (Yes, I WAS wearing pants before, but due to a slight bathroom emergency they had to be discarded fairly early on...) Posted by Picasa
Saturday the Gators played their first football game with their new head coach, Urban Meyer. We all got dressed up in our orange and blue and cheered them to their victory!

Oh, and here's the rest of Daddy's head. Posted by Picasa


College football season is here! In an effort to prepare, I went on a gator hunt, and caught one! Go Gators! Posted by Picasa
Can you believe I have FOUR teeth?? You can kind of see them all here.

Here's a close-up of the bottom ones,

and here are the top ones (and my nostrils). Posted by Picasa
Here's my new Bumbo seat, to help me sit up by myself and develop those core muscles. So far so good... Posted by Picasa
Reading is one of my favorite things to do in the playgym...

Cat and Dog have some amazing adventures.

Um, excuse me, I'm trying to read here...?!? Posted by Picasa