
Big news from Resli's World

Dear Blog Fans:
There is big news indeed -- I'm moving!

The powers that be (aka Mami) have decided that maintaining a blog for me and a blog for my sister is far too much work. I agree, since she's barely posted since Christmas. So she decided to combine our blogs together in to one family that will be updated as frequently as possible with news about me, Lela, Mami and Daddy and anything that is important to us. Sometimes all together, sometimes separately, but in one lovely digital place. So check your RSS feeds and be sure to add the new site to your favorites list. And check the World Wide Wards out at http://world-wide-wards.blogspot.com!
Thank you for following me all these 5 years, I hope you'll still keep up with my life as a part of the Ward family. We'll see you over there!


Spending time on campus

I've been sick the last couple days. Nothing major as far as we or the pediatrician can tell - my eye is getting better and I have a little bit of a cough, some fluid in my ear, you know, the standard for March in Florida - but enough to keep me out of daycare. With Daddy being out of town and Mami having a full couple days of classes and meetings, well, we didn't have much choice but for me to tag along.
I went to Mami's class and talked to her students - I wanted to teach them all about princesses.

Then I checked out the view from the other side of the table.

I think I liked being a teacher better!
That was yesterday, today we had a Graduate Committee meeting, a faculty meeting, and lunch with a visiting scholar. I behaved surprisingly well, but it was a tough day on all of us. Thank goodness Mami's students and colleagues are very patient and understanding. And tomorrow, no matter what, I'm going to daycare!
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Eye update

Wow, those eye drops are something else, I'm doing SOOO much better in just two days.
My right eye is almost totally normal and my left eye is much improved.

By the end of the week I should be as good as new!
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