
Two girls in a box (updated)

(What did you expect? I said it was two girls in a box...)

Here are two more girls in a box. Who do you think they are?


Special snack!

Over the weekend Mami and Daddy let us have a special snack, sitting at the table in the living room!

We thought that (along with the raisin bread with cream cheese - see Nana, Mami finally took your advice) was about the coolest thing ever.

It was a pretty sweet snack-time adventure!
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Architectural aspirations

I got really in to the legos this weekend, exploring my potential as an architect.
Lela did her own building too, but I was on a mission.
She didn't do half bad though, considering she's not even two, right?

I was so busy I barely took time out for a smile!

Lela and I did help each other a little, but we mostly did our own things.
One day maybe we'll collaborate on a great big endeavor.
For now, though, look at the castle I built! I was very proud of it.
Then we had to put the legos away, so today I have to build a whole new one. How fun!


Weeki Wachee!

You guys may not have known this, but mermaids are real. I didn't think they were either, until today, when I saw them with my own two eyes.
We took a special trip, just me and Daddy and Mami, to a magical place a couple hours south of here called Weeki Wachee. I had been so excited about going that my parents thought I was going to give myself a coronary, so the long drive down was difficult for me. But finally we made it, and even in their parking lot there were mermaids!
The first thing we did, the main attraction, was wait to see the mermaids swimming in the springs. I was sooooo excited!

And the show was awesome! The pictures didn't come out too well but I wanted you to see that there were real live mermaids swimming underwater putting on a show for us!

Singing too!
That was just about the best thing ever. I even told Mami it was better than Disney. ("Well, Disney was good, but they didn't have, like, mermaids. You know?")
The other attraction is a nice boat ride down the river from the springs. We had to wait a while on the dock.
Daddy and I used the time to hang out and talk.

He pretended he was going to throw me in the water! And I fell for it every single time.

Oh Daddy, you're so silly!
Then we took the boat ride and saw all kinds of neat stuff, fish and turtles and cool birds. The guide explained it all to us as we went.
It was nice and all. But can I remind you that I SAW MERMAIDS TODAY!??!?
(Aren't you jealous?)


Afternoon storm

One of my favorite things about summertime in Gainesville is the intense afternoon rainstorms that we get so often. When the thunder and lightning passes and we're left with those great drenching rains, I love to go outside and play! (Normally Mami and Daddy don't condone this, but it was right before bathtime so it was ok.)

The other good thing is that we don't have to water our tree when it rains! :)
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Happy Birthday America! - a musical tribute

OK, a day late, but Happy 4th of July, everyone!

And just for good measure, while I was in a singing mood, we sang some John Denver too, although it's not as patriotic of course.

I'm quite the performer, aren't I?
(PS - The cameraman was being attacked by one of my younger adoring fans during that second video, which explains that unsteadiness of the shot. We beg your pardon.)


A trip to the beach!

For the holiday weekend we took a short trip to Crescent Beach, near St. Augustine. I was so excited for days beforehand that I could barely stand it, and on the car drive over yesterday I was downright giddy!
Lela and I had to sport our shades because the sun was so bright, but she had a hard time putting hers on.
Not me, I'm ready to be a super star!
The beach was absolutely beautiful and I couldn't get enough of it - the sand, the water, the waves, everything.
There was a pool at our hotel tool, and I got to practice my swimming and diving and jumping.

It was an amazing trip, and hopefully we'll go again soon. Mami and Daddy love the beach too, so we're going to try to figure out a way to make it happen more often. They also like how tired Lela and I both got, it makes us sleep well!
(How on earth can I just fold myself in half like this? It makes Mami's neck hurt just looking at it!)


Greening the shopping experience

In an apparent effort to reduce carbon emissions, Publix seems to have eliminated their cars for us to ride in!

This means that Lela and I had to ride in a normal cart. She got to sit up front where there's a seat belt, and I had to sit in the back. The further in to our shopping trip we got, the more crowded it got back there!

It wasn't that bad, I thought it was kinda funny to hide underneath the food!

And by the way, Publix hasn't gotten rid of the cars. We were just at the store right near campus which, apparently, doesn't see many under-18 patrons, and therefore they just don't have them there.
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