
Cruisin' . . . on a Sunday afternoon . . . Posted by Picasa


While Mom and Dad are getting breakfast ready, Mojo and I usually hang out in the kitchen with our books. Posted by Picasa
Books and cheerios. What more could a girl ask for? Posted by Picasa
Mom's big blue water cup is sooo much cooler than my sippy cup.

I can even drink out of it! (But there was really nothing in there.)

Which is just as well because I sometimes forget which side is up. Posted by Picasa
Mom and I went to get her car washed over the weekend. I hung out outside waiting for the clean car to show up...

Where oh where is it?


The nice ladies at my school (which, to everyone else, is daycare) did my hair again Friday. Two pigtails this time!

Oh no! Even when I was getting ready for the bath and took out the cute blue holders, my hair stayed like that! Posted by Picasa
Can you guess what I'm doing in this picture?

Does this picture make it any clearer? Posted by Picasa
The other night I had a great supper of chicken and stars soup. There's the chicken on my hand, and there's the star on my nose!

I had some turkey too. Why are they laughing at me? Posted by Picasa


I know I haven't mentioned it lately, but reading is still my very favorite thing to do. Nothing better than a good book. Posted by Picasa
I'm learning to not be so scared of our new dog Mojo. We'll hang out next to each other now. Posted by Picasa
See? Mojo and I are good friends now.

We crawl around together...

And even share our toys! (Yes, this is a fake remote.) Want some, Mojo? Posted by Picasa
Hmmm, I wonder what this is attached to? Posted by Picasa


Mom and Dad and I went to Miss Kathy's house this morning... And came home with a dog!

His name is Chewie, but I've nicknamed him Mojo.

Is he, like, my brother now?

I'm still a little scared of him, but I waved to him from a safe distance.

And then I got a little closer, but it ended in this standoff.

He's ready to play with me I think, any time I'm ready.

For today, we may just keep our distance. Posted by Picasa


Today, January 12, was my very first day ever in daycare. I was kind of scared at first, but then I met everyone and it was fine. We had fun and played and braided each other's hair. Tomorrow we're giving manis and pedis! Posted by Picasa
Look! I got Daddy's slipper!

...just waiting for the other slipper to drop. Posted by Picasa
The weather last weekend was beautiful, so dad and mom and I went to a nature trail.

Mom went biking. She looks funny, doesn't she?

Dad and I walked. Nothing like a lazy Sunday afternoon... Posted by Picasa
I know this is hard to believe, but I'm already 11 months old!

Now they're making me work for my signs!

Ah, here it is. Yep, 11 months.

Look, mom, I got a sign!

The month wouldn't be complete if I didn't try to eat the sign, would it? Posted by Picasa