
Eye update

Wow, those eye drops are something else, I'm doing SOOO much better in just two days.
My right eye is almost totally normal and my left eye is much improved.

By the end of the week I should be as good as new!
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Unknown said...

Yeah! I'm happy to see that smile again.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Went to have the doc check out her ears today (lots of fluid in them) and she was not at all happy about those hemorrhages in her eyes... Now I'm a little worried about it too. We'll keep an eye on it and hope it doesn't get any worse. She said it'll take 2-3 weeks for the blood to totally disappear from the whites of her eyes though. Poor thing. :(

Melissa said...

OK, yeah, that doesn't look like a "I'm doing much better" picture. I hope since I'm so late to checking out these pix that the issue is totally resolved by now!