I watched a Barney DVD that Mama swore would make her crazy but I seemed to enjoy a lot!

And when we got really bored, Daddy gave us his gator hat to play with.

Go Gators!


We stopped at a very pretty rest area in Georgia on the way up, and Daddy and I went exploring.

When we got there we got to see Uncle Adam and Caedra's new apartment - isn't it beautiful? And even though he made those funny fingers over my head in this picture, I learned to say "Adam" this weekend! (I say it kind of like [a-um].)

When I met my Aunt Jennifer for the first time, she gave me a present. How exciting! (The bag wasn't even the present! It was a cute soft stuffed bunny rabbit, since her nickname is Bunni.)

And even in the hotel room, I had to have my YoBaby yogurt every morning. Seriously, I should be in a commercial for YoBaby! I don't look too happy here, I know. I got a fever the first day of our trip and felt pretty sick for most of the time we were there.

I played hide-and-seek with Nana in a restaurant - I'm way up top, see?

I bonded with my Aunt Melissa too, even though I'm still unable to say "Melissa". Don't worry, though, I'll get it one day!

Our hotel had a pool and even though I didn't feel great, Daddy took me swimming a little.

Mama let me take my bathing suit off and run around for a while in my 'birthday suit'... until I decided to pee on the pavement! How embarrassing! I was a little confused too because I couldn't figure out what was getting on my foot! (We've removed any offensive images for all you sensitive blogger fans out there.)

We went out for a very nice lunch for Nana's birthday, and I got all dressed up.

Mom and I sat at the big girl chairs too!

All in all, it was a great trip!
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