I got all dressed up in my special party dress and my princess shoes. Don't I look pretty?
Then we had lunch, and Max and I had a tea party. Max said he was having 'soup', but I thought it was tea. Must be a guy thing...
After lunch we opened presents. Everyone was so nice to me, I got some wonderful books and toys and clothes. Thank you, everyone!
My Aunt Liz and Uncle Brian gave me my first pair of Vans - they're pink with kitty cats on them. Pretty snazzy, eh?
Then we had CAKE! As you can tell from the hats, we had a whole Elmo theme going on. Look at the awesome cake Mami made me! It's Elmo! (She's very proud of her cake...)
I needed a little help blowing out my candles -- I had two whole candles, you see, and that's double the number of candles I had last year! But with Mami and Daddy's help, we blew them out and cut the cake up and everyone got to eat some. It was delicious!
What a wonderful party it was. I even learned the "happy birthday" song and sang it over and over. And in case you were wondering, I'm STILL singing it, over and over...
(PS - There are many many pictures from my party that didn't make it on to the blog. But if you want to see them, including a whole "making the Elmo cake" series, they are at www.dropshots.com/glordward.)
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