
This one is for my grandfather (Grandickie) - if there was ever a "whose toes are those?!?" picture, this is it! Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Those is YOUR toes, Resli. Ask your Mommy how to play the toes game. You need water, but you have that. A few waves would be good, so ask Daddy to make some surf with his hands. Keep your head up and your toes out. And smile ( you have a grand smile). That's all there is to it. Love, Grandickie

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh--is this the outfit I bought months and months ago that we were sure would never fit???
-Aunt M

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Yes, Auntie M, it's that very same outfit! Still a little wide for her, but length-wise all those Newborn (0-3mos.) outfits are finally fitting!