
Mother's Day coincided with my three month birthday. Rock on. Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Is that a Boppy pillow??? It looks just like one I'm bidding on on Ebay. If it is, do you like it?

Yes, bidding on a breastfeeding pillow I am...*GRIN* (Due in December!!! Yay!)


Gillian Lord Ward said...

Are you a Melanie I know or just came across the blog? Congratulations, either way. It is a boppy, and I like it for sitting/propping her in. For nursing though I like 'my brest friend' MUCH better! (www.mybrestfriend.com)

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Hey Mel!
I thought and hoped it was you, but wasn't sure. CONGRATS on the Muppet (I stalked your blog too.) It gets better after the first trimester, believe me. I had a great pregnancy overall, except for breaking my foot when I was 7 mos. and then being confined to bedrest with preeclampsia for two weeks before being induced 3 weeks early. But in retrospect, it was all fine. And motherhood rocks! (:->)