Resli Ann Ward was born at 2:14am on February 8th, 2005. She weighed 5lbs 12oz, and measured 19 inches. The name Resli is a family name - it was her maternal great, great, great grandmother's name. This blog is for her friends and family to watch her as she grows and changes, even from far away.
Mom and Dad went to Target and they had Reslis for sale. We picked one up to take home with us. (:->)
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Funny thing, the big supermarket here had a $pecial Re$li $ale here, too. All one had to do was buy a sixpack of Coor's Lite and a large bag of Feldman's Fine Pretzel Fingers... and then you could pick up a Re$li at the checkout counter. You should have seen it , Resli!!! People snacking and swilling and brand new, fresh-bought Re$li'$ running all about the sidewalks and into the streets, stopping traffic and people. Many horns were honking and people were running and screaming and shouting and soon sirens started screaming and the NYPD came and collected all the Re$li'$ and took them away and things calmed down and I'm happy you, the original and one and only RESLI, were not here to see it. Love, Grandickie
1 comment:
Funny thing, the big supermarket here had a $pecial Re$li $ale here, too. All one had to do was buy a sixpack of Coor's Lite and a large bag of Feldman's Fine Pretzel Fingers... and then you could pick up a Re$li at the checkout counter. You should have seen it , Resli!!! People snacking and swilling and brand new, fresh-bought Re$li'$ running all about the sidewalks and into the streets, stopping traffic and people. Many horns were honking and people were running and screaming and shouting and soon sirens started screaming and the NYPD came and collected all the Re$li'$ and took them away and things calmed down and I'm happy you, the original and one and only RESLI, were not here to see it. Love, Grandickie
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