
Happy Anniversary

May 29th was Mama and Daddy's 2nd anniversary. To celebrate they went to St. Augustine and stayed the night in this wonderful bed and breakfast called "Casa de SueƱos".

They went out to a very nice dinner. It was elegant, especially without me there to throw food on the floor.

Where was I, you ask? I stayed in Gainesville and played at Grandma and Granddaddy Ward's house. I slept over there too! It was so exciting that I stayed up for a large part of the night, so nobody really got any sleep.

Can you believe Daddy and Mama left me alone for a whole night? I couldn't either. But they called to check on me... a lot.  Posted by Picasa

We're all glad to be back together again, we missed each other!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And a very happy anniversary to you, both of you, each of you. May you have so many more they will stretch your memory. Love, DAD