Resli Ann Ward was born at 2:14am on February 8th, 2005. She weighed 5lbs 12oz, and measured 19 inches. The name Resli is a family name - it was her maternal great, great, great grandmother's name. This blog is for her friends and family to watch her as she grows and changes, even from far away.
I'm such a big girl!
I'm such a big girl that I've stopped sitting in my high chair and started sitting at the table with Mami and Daddy. See how I'm eating just like a grown up? I'm drinking my milk out of a big-girl cup too! Aren't you proud of me?!
Oh my! This is so sudden. Or is it? You are a big girl indeed and I can't wait to see you. xo Nana
Oh my! This is so sudden. Or is it? You are a big girl indeed and I can't wait to see you.
Resli, you are indeed a big girl and growing up so quickly! you'll be able to teach your little sister so many fun things!
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