
Thanksgiving at B'nai Israel Community Day School

Today was the Thanksgiving celebration at my school. Lots of us got dressed up and performed songs about fall, pilgrims, turkeys and Thanksgiving. In my class, we got to dress up as trees and turkeys. I was a tree, see?

Here I am with my teacher, Miss Adriana, waiting for the singing to start. You can see my other teacher, Miss Bridgette, having fun with the other kids in my class.

And here's our stellar performance. We sang two songs, one about a turkey and one about leaves on a tree. (Do you sense a theme here?) I was one of the loudest singers (they say I always am)! [And I'm all about audience participation - at one point you can hear me say "sing it, Mami", because I could see Mami standing there with the camera.]

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It was great fun, I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed singing!
Happy Thanksgiving!


Unknown said...

Strike or no strike, Broadway is waiting!

Melissa said...

Priceless! Resli, will you sing that song to me when I come to visit you?