
Just us gals

I'm so lucky to have my baby sister! Seeing her first thing in the morning is the highlight of my day. We like to sit on the floor and play together.

I can't stop hugging her!

She likes it when I do.

And she likes it when I play "Itsy Bitsy Spider" on her face, even.


"I'm wishing..."

I love watching Snow White, and I love singing along with the songs. But I do so in my squeaky falsetto voice which is, um, a little grating on the nerves (so say my parents - what do YOU think?)...

(Sorry it also came out so dark... weird.)

Playing with Lela

I love Saturday mornings, it's a great time to play with my sister Lela.

And to be all silly together!

Day 4 of my vacation

Hi blogfans, I'm back!
On Thursday, I got to spend the morning with Daddy and we went on a special adventure. First, we went to the butterfly museum.

In theory I was really excited about it, but I freaked out a little at the butterflies themselves.
Then we went to the museum of natural history and looked at lots of interesting animals and fossils and things.

There were caves to crawl around in too!

And outdoors there was another great fountain. I couldn't play in it, but I liked it anyway!

What a great week it's been! I'm sure Mami and Daddy would use a different adjective, such as "complicated", and Grandma - who watched me almost every day - might choose "exhausting", but I sure had fun. Just the same, I'm looking forward to going back to school on Monday!


Vacation week, day 2

Today was the second day of my 'vacation' week. Mami had to work so I went to campus with her. First, we spent an hour up in her office for office hours.

Luckily no students came, so we were able to watch Dora videos on the computer and eat our snack at the desk.

Then we went to Mami's class. Her students had to hand in their test today, so I helped Mami collect the papers.

I had to get a little mean when one of the students was still trying to finish his paper. I kept trying to take it away from him while he was writing the last accent marks in!

Then I changed in to my bathing suit to play outside in my favorite fountain. It was hot out, so the water felt great!

Mami didn't get any pictures of it, but I did manage to moon an entire tour group of prospective students and their parents that were walking by just as I decided I didn't want to be wearing a wet bathing suit... Gosh I hope that won't affect student enrollment for the fall...

After that we met Daddy at his office and walked over to get lunch at a restaurant on campus. I had a bagel and an egg, my favorite! (Fruits and veggies said Mami? What's that?)

Then it was home for my nap. Except after such a long morning I fell asleep in the car, and haven't slept since! Early bed for me tonight... So says Mami, at least!

Happy, um, Passover...?!?

My school is closed all this week for Passover. Now, my family and I don't normally celebrate Passover, of course, but this week is like one big vacation for me!
Yesterday I went to the club where my friend Riley hangs out. We were going to go swimming but the pool, it turns out, was closed. So we spent some time drawing with chalk. That's Riley and me.

Then Riley's mom showed us how to trace ourselves into mermaids!

That was really fun. You know how I like mermaids.

Then, Riley and my friend Ella and I went in to one of the raquet ball courts with a bunch of tennis balls and ran around like crazy.

No for real, I mean crazy. Watch the video:


Orange, Blue and Me!

Today was the Orange and Blue football game. I got dressed in my gator hat and my gator shirt - but notice they had to be what I call "princess pink". That's ok, I can have two obsessions at once.

Then Daddy and I practiced our chomping.

That's right, Daddy, but just a little bigger... There you go - GO GATORS!

And then we went to the game. It was hot and crowded, but I got to see Tim Tebow score a touchdown. Way cool!

Double the bathtime fun!

Daddy was at a meeting last night so Mami had to take care of both me and Lela. Bathtime posed a bit of challenge, but she solved it by putting Lela's tub in my tub! We got to bathe together!

I had a great time and loved helping wash Lela. She ended up a little wetter than she usually does I think, but she seemed ok.
Note: This post is also listed, in much the same form, on Lela's blog. Pardon the crosslisting!

A new hairdo for me

Mami gave me a new hairdo - pigtails!
(The first time I heard this word I said, 'No, they're not pink, they're yellow.' Then the next time, when I heard better, I said, 'But I'm not a pig!')

I got a big kick out of looking at myself in the mirror.

I thought I looked cute!

Thanks, Mami!


Making Lela laugh

I'm good at making Lela laugh - watch this:


Springtime and Butterflies

This weekend was the Spring Arts Festival in Gainesville. I went with Lela, Mami, Daddy and Nana. It was hot and crowded, but we saw a lot of neat art and crafts and such.
They had a great area for kids like me. I got to get my face painted! I was a little shy, so I sat on Mami's lap while the nice lady painted a butterfly on my cheek.

Isn't that pretty? I thought I looked just like a princess.

(Don't ask why. I ALWAYS think I look just like a princess.)
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I'm flying!

I love to go flying on Mami's feet! (Even though it makes Daddy very nervous when we do this.)

Dancing with the stars

Some people like to watch that "Dancing with the stars" show. I don't. I just like to dance with my Daddy.