We got to celebrate Halloween twice this year!
Friday was a fall festival at my school, and we were allowed to wear our costumes.
Here's what I was: Cinderella!
Lela dressed up as a bumble bee for about 3 and 1/2 minutes.

She looked adorable but hated her costume so went to school in regular clothes.
Then yesterday, for Halloween, we went trick or treating at Publix, where they had a whole treasure map set up and different stations with fun games and treats.
I was Cinderella again.
Lela refused the bumble bee costume, so Mami improvised a sort of cat costume for her.

(The overall effect is lessened by: a) her insistence on wearing the gator shirt; b) her refusal to take her pacifier out of her mouth without screaming and quite frankly it was a battle I didn't want to fight); and c) her hatred of all hair accoutrement, thus the ears attached to a cap. Sigh.)
But we had a great time at Publix, and everyone said how cute we were. I kept telling people that they were giving me "just too much" candy, and I haven't even eaten a single piece of it yet. I think I liked the idea of getting stuff from people more than I cared about
what I was getting!)
And then we got to go out to dinner because Mami wanted to watch the rest of the
Florida-Georgia game. (The Gators won. Again.) Lela and I took the chance to check out our loot.
Overall a great holiday, I'd say!