
Another first: PINK EYE

I woke up this morning with runny, pink, swollen, painful eyes. The weekend pediatric physician service diagnosed me over the phone and I've now got eye drops to help take care of it. I don't like the eye drops at all.

But other than that I'm being a trooper about it.

(These pictures are the mildest, blog-friendliest ones we have. It's a pretty unattractive ailment...)
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Pajama Day!

Today was Pajama Day at school, which means I got to wear my pjs all day long. Woohoo!

Lela didn't go to school today, she spent the day at Grandma's, but she wanted to wear her pajamas too, so we let her.

Fun fun fun!
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A message for Daddy, who's away on a work trip

Sorry for the technological confusion there, these new gadgets can be so confusing!


Half a decade!

Can you believe 5 years have passed since I was born? And can you believe that I'm already a big 5-year-old girl?!? To celebrate my special day Mami and Daddy brought cupcakes to my class at school so we could have a party with my friends.
Now, don't let this shock you, but we went with an Ariel theme again this year. Didn't Mami do a fabulous job?
Just kidding, Publix did the work this time around - isn't it amazing? They're cupcakes, so it was super easy to serve them.
Before we could eat, everyone said a prayer and sang Happy Birthday to me and to my friend Albert, who shares the same birthday.
Then we got down to business. Notice that Lela came to visit my class for the party - she was psyched to hang out with us big kids!
Yep, those sure were some yummy cupcakes!
After eating we all got up and did the A Tooty Ta dance.
Lela got to stay for that part too. Then she cried when she had to go back to her own class. But other than that sad moment it was a great party and I loved being the birthday girl all day!


The big pre-party

Today was my pre-birthday, and we had a pre-birthday party to celebrate. (I'm having another party at school tomorrow with my friends, but this was for family and special friends like Ms. Jenifer.)
I opened some great presents, books, toys, clothes, etc.

And I got some nice cards from everyone too.

Of course, it wouldn't be a (pre-)party without cake - it even had my name on it!

I was so excited about the cake!

I blew out all the candles by myself and then wished, out loud, to be a princess. :)
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