Since Daddy and Mami and I, as well as Liz and Brian, are going to be away from Gainesville for Christmas next week, we had an early celebration at Grandma and Granddaddy's house on Sunday.
I was very helpful. I helped Grandma open her gifts.

And I delivered gifts to Granddaddy.

Aunt Liz and Brian gave me a cute pair of pink pajamas, which I carried around all day, and this Strawberry Shortcase "sheepskin" vest, which I just love.
(As Mami writes this, I'm either wearing or hugging this very vest in my crib... I wouldn't go to bed without it!)
I also got a book of Sesame Street stories, which I'm very interested in reading. Mami says we'll have a long time to read on our drive up to North Carolina!

There were many great gifts, but honestly, at times I thought the boxes were pretty cool too.

And bows. Bows are always fun to play with!

The highlight of my day, without a doubt, was opening this gift, also from Liz and Brian. Watch the video and you'll see why...
I was so happy for the rest of the day, and still am, to have my very own Elmo!