Resli Ann Ward was born at 2:14am on February 8th, 2005. She weighed 5lbs 12oz, and measured 19 inches. The name Resli is a family name - it was her maternal great, great, great grandmother's name. This blog is for her friends and family to watch her as she grows and changes, even from far away.
My garage "brickyard"
The other day when Mami's car wasn't in the garage, I created my own racecourse out there. Then I put on my shades, took off my shirt (don't all racecar drivers do that?), and started racing. Wow, was I going fast - "flat-out" I think they call it. "Vroom vroom" is what I call it. My Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Brian must be so proud of me! PS - The "Brickyard" is the name of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
The race looks like fun but the sunglasses take the prize, Resli!
This is definitely one of those photos that your mom and dad should set aside and bring out to show your date on prom night.
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