Happy (Jewish) New Year! To celebrate we were out of school for two days this week. Mami and the parents of my friend
David worked out a deal where David and I get to play together and they still get to teach their courses. So on Tuesday I played at David's house, and on Wednesday he came to mine.
I started the day off twirling around on my bed in my pretty Ariel nightgown. David wasn't very interested in that...

Then Mami noticed that it had gotten very quiet in my room, so she came to see what was going on. It turns out I was dressing David up like Princess Jasmine.

He didn't seem to mind it...

But he was relieved when it was snack time. We sat at my Dora table and ate grapes, apples and oatbran "O"s. Yum!

But Mami had more plans for us and told us to get in the car. (Can you understand why she didn't want to stay home all day with us? I can't!)
While she was getting David buckled in I opened the passenger side front door and climbed across to the driver's side. I just wanted to help out.

But she made me get in my seat. It was fun to have someone big to talk to next to me back there, Lela's great but she's not too conversational.

Then we went to the playground! David and I both enjoyed climbing.

And David
really liked the slide down!

We pretended to be different animals and crawled around these stepping stone things.

And then somehow, we're not sure who started it, but we decided to "make cakes" with the bark chips.

What a mess, but it was so much fun. See, there were all these other kids there that wanted to make cakes with us too!
After that, boy were we tired out! We went back home and had lunch together.

And then Mami started what she called a "mandatory rest time", whatever that is. We sat quietly on couches for about 45 minutes, and she kept telling us we should nap, but we thought that was just silly. No napping for us!
We had a great time playing together. Which is good, since there are three more
Jewish holidays coming up in the next three weeks, so we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the near future.