Resli Ann Ward was born at 2:14am on February 8th, 2005. She weighed 5lbs 12oz, and measured 19 inches. The name Resli is a family name - it was her maternal great, great, great grandmother's name. This blog is for her friends and family to watch her as she grows and changes, even from far away.
Helping Mami with her work
Mami has a lot of work to do this summer since she's taking over the coordination of the lower division Spanish program. She had to write seven different syllabi! I thought I'd help her out with the one for the advanced review class - don't you agree with my changes? Lela looked on and thought, 'Ooh, that's nice work Resli... ... but I prefer me some Mickey!"
Funny! do you really get work done with your helpers?
Such a big help you two were! I'm sure Mami was VERY appreciative.
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