
We wish you a merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, blogfans! I gut up all aquiver with excitement at 6:30 this morning to go see if Santa had come. He had! At least, that's not what our tree and stockings looked like last night...

I paid pretty much no attention to that huge lump of wrapping paper to the left of the tree, but was fascinated with my stocking stuffers, from barrettes and headbands to M&Ms and slinkys.

Eventually though I discovered that big oddly shaped (and oddly wrapped thing) and discovered not only that it was for me but that it was also a real big-girl bicycle! I was so excited I climbed on before the paper was even off of it.

But then later I opened a few of the necessary accoutrements, such as streamers and a helmet (oh, and my ballet clothes, because everyone rides bikes dressed as ballerinas, don't they?), and got a better pose on the bike.

Pretty cool, huh? Unfortunately it rained all day so we didn't get a chance to try it out except in the living room, but I bet it'll be tons of fun. How were your Christmases, blog fans?
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Amy S said...

A ballerina outfit is probably an excellent safeguard on the streets--better than reflective tape, even, because who's NOT going to notice a ballerina riding a bicycle?

hlward said...

A theory we tested this afternoon. Strangely enough, it didn't seem that out of place.

Melissa said...

So exciting! I can't wait to see you ride your bike--you look great on it!

Anonymous said...

Sonia got the same ballet outfit for Christmas as Resli! Sonia hasn't worn it on her bike yet though, too cold here in the great white "north" of Va :)