
Bath time!

So, like I said before, my very first tub bath went undocumented. Everyone was too worried about me sitting up, not falling into the water, not getting soap in my eyes, not being dropped and all that, so there were no pictures. But last night I had my second tub bath, and we did get some pictures of that. It looks like I'm miserable, but I really didn't hate it that much. The worst part was at the end, when I was cold and wet, but even that was over quickly. And then I was all clean and fresh smelling and yummy. (Until I pooped, approximately 45 seconds later...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My,my Miss Resli, you do talk a lot. Must be difficult when muffled by soft and cuddly blankets, or in a bath surrounded by that funny wet stuff you'll get to like very much. You're lookin' good, kid, just keep eating, exercising in your gym,and sleeping. A little crying is okay, too. Good for the lungs.I hope to see you soon. Goodbye for now. Love, Grandickie