
18-month well visit

I went to the doctor for my 18 month check up on Friday (a few days early). I'm always nervous about getting on the scales, but it turns out I'm VERY healthy!

I weigh 22 pounds and am 31 inches long! That's 25th percentile for both of those. Remember when I was so tiny I was only 5th percentile! I'm growing!

We were in the turtle room, which is one of my favorite rooms. I climbed up and down on to the table,

And Daddy and I practiced our ballet moves until Dr. Grooms came in!

There's a duck pond outside the doctors' offices. We went to look at the ducks but they're very fast! They ran away from me. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Dr. L said...

We are so glad you are growing well, Resli. Your doctors office looks like lots of fun with turtles on the wall. If my memory serves me right, that's one of your mama's favorite animals!