Happy Easter! I've had the greatest Easter weekend, I hope you have too.
On Saturday Daddy and I decided to dye eggs. (We were on our own since
Lela was away with Mami.) I'd never done this before, but we had a blast.

Look - all different colors, with different designs and everything. We did great!

Then on Sunday Daddy and I went to Grandma and Gradddaddy's house to look for hidden eggs and open some presents. And when I woke up from my nap later that afternoon, I saw the strangest thing in the hallway - it was a trail of jelly beans leading out of my room...

... and all the way to the dining table, where I had an Easter basket! In it were two books, a Diego book about looking for Easter eggs and the holy grail of all Dora books, the "Dora's Fairy-Tale Adventure" book! (If you listen carefully, you'll hear the Hallelujah chorus in the background!)

I was very excited, and quite content to spend the rest of the afternoon reading those books to anyone who would listen. Of course, Mami and Lela were pretty tired out from their trip and from flying all night long, but I'm sure they enjoyed my stories as well.

Happy Easter to you all!