Once upon a time there was a very wise woman named Ern. When faced with repeated questions about when certain twin girls would reach certain milestones, Ern responded that they would do whatever it was when they were ready. You'd think that, being one of those twin girls, I might have learned that lesson. But I have been worrying and worrying that Resli, in spite of being 100% potty trained in every other way, still refused to poop in the potty.
Lo and behold, Resli came home from school on Tuesday with a story about how she had in fact pooped in the potty, but without confirmation from a teacher, we were skeptical. Then on Wednesday there was a note from the teacher that she had in fact done so that day, and we later found out that it was true on Tuesday too. And this morning, of her own free will, she did it again at home. Apparently, she is finally ready. Thank you, Ern, for always being right, and I'm sorry I couldn't take your words to heart before.
I got the most wonderful present for pooping in the potty this morning - a whole set of pretty hair clips with butterflies on them!
I look very cute with my hair like this, don't you think?
But more importantly, don't you think I look like a very grown up girl who is just about fully potty trained, at long last? I'm so excited!
Yeah for Resli and yeah for Ern!
Wow - that's a great present. Keep up the good work!
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