
Football season is here!

Today the Gators play their first game of the year. We're all excited for the 2008 season and have our orange and blue ready to go.

Go Gators!


Unknown said...

Go Gaitors! Why is Mami wearing that funny hat?

Anonymous said...

What a loyal fan base! The Mets (who feature the same colors) should be so lucky. Question: Gillian and Resli are in orange. Harvey is in blue. Why oh why is Lela deprived of color? White is not inspiring to our Gators. Curious Grandad wants to know.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

Primarily because Lela had already thrown up on her blue shirt. But also because Coach Meyer asked everyone last week to wear white in a "White Out Cancer" thing, or something like that. Lela was the only family member to comply.