
Being as brave as I can

I went to a special doctor today to make sure my tummy is as healthy as can be. The nice doctor thinks I'm doing great, but he said we had to go get some blood work just to make sure. I naively went along for the adventure, not knowing what "blood work" meant.
I started getting nervous at the big rubber band around my arm...

And then when I realized what they were going to do, I admit to a full blown freak out.

But Daddy held me tight and Mami sang me songs, and eventually it was over. I was very brave and got through it ok. We're sure everything is going to come back perfect, and now I have another new experience to add to my list. (But it's not one I want to repeat, if possible...)

1 comment:

Dr. L said...

You are sure brave Resli! It sounds like it was a very traumatic afternoon!