This morning Mami had some work to do and Lela had to get some work done at Grandma's house, so Daddy and I had a little time on our hands. We figured it had been a while since we visited campus, so off we went.
Many of you may not realize this, but my Daddy is a little style-challenged. He didn't think it was necessary to wear one of my crowns and Mami's boots to campus.
I relented and gave up the extra fashion accessories, and look! Here we are on the north lawn of the Reitz Union! Look closely - that's the seal of the University of Florida I'm doing my touchdown dance on.
It's so intimidating being on campus - I'm already worried what my major will be ...
Perhaps botany. I like flowers and plants, you know ...
Then again, I like Journalism and Communications. I am, after all, one of Media's People ...
Daddy says this is how people used to "blog" in the old days ...
And in the even older days ...
OK, maybe print journalism isn't for me - what about TV? I love TV, you know. And I've never seen so many TV's in one place in all my life as in master control at Daddy's TV station!
By this time, I needed a break so we went to see Daddy's friend Ms. Debbie - she works across the hall from him and she's a grandma, so she knows how to give good hugs.
Later we headed over to the Physics building. They have cool stuff there as well ...
But frankly it can all be a bit much. Sometimes a girl just needs to sit down and contemplate things under a palm tree, you know?
Whew! What a morning! Off to meet Mami for lunch ...
BOY did I miss you Mami!