
More of my dance moves

Remember the days when I used to do "The Resli" all the time? Well, I've added two new dances to my repertoire.
This is me doing ballet. (I think I learned this from Zoe's dancing video...?)

I also do a lot of "polkas" - nobody knows where I picked that up. In this video Mami is trying to get me to do a polka for you all, but I refuse. Instead I claim that I'm dancing the "Strawberry Shortcake" dance (and kicking a ball in between).
[This may shock you, but the Polka and the Strawberry Shortcake dance are strikingly similar... You may note some shades of The Resli in there too.]

Here's a bonus video too, to show you why there aren't more videos of me these days. I'm a very difficult subject!

1 comment:

Dr. L said...

Resli, you are one mover and shaker! We liked your polkas, kicks and energy runs!