Resli Ann Ward was born at 2:14am on February 8th, 2005. She weighed 5lbs 12oz, and measured 19 inches. The name Resli is a family name - it was her maternal great, great, great grandmother's name. This blog is for her friends and family to watch her as she grows and changes, even from far away.
Double the bathtime fun!
Thanks to yet another nifty contraption Mami and Daddy found, Lela and I can now take a bath together in the same tub! She sits in the tub right next to me and we share toys and play together. We even give Mami the same look when she says it's time to get out! We're looking forward to years of fun baths together!
Fun, fun, fun!!! Rub a dub dub, two girls in a tub!
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