
Waking up is hard to do

At school I've pretty much given up my nap. (That's a very kind and gentle way of putting it, since, according to my teachers, I'm pretty disruptive at naptime. I believe the word "defiant" has been used...) But on the weekends, when I finally give in to the sleep, I sleep hard.
This afternoon Daddy came in to wake me up and I didn't budge. So he brought Lela (also still groggy from her nap) in to help. You can see how well that worked:

It doesn't look all that comfortable, but we were pretty cozy all snuggled up together. We didn't want to move.

Finally, I opened an eye.

And then the other. Ah, and there's the smile!

Boy, it's tough to wake up some times!


Dr. L said...

I could only dream that we had as good of sleepers as Resli! :-)

hlward said...

Be careful what you ask for ... that angelic almost-four-year-old can be mean as a snake when we wake her up from a nap.