
Friday Was Pajama Day!

And here I am, relaxing comfortably afterwards, on the way to "Monkey Sub" for dinner.*

*Yes, this is after school.  Daddy forgot to take our pictures this morning, which, it turns out is a good thing, since the camera at home refuses to talk to his computer.  He took this with his phone.  Still, don't I look relaxed?


Gillian Lord Ward said...

Estás preciosa, amor, me encanta el pijama que has escogido para llevar a la escuela (o más bien la combinación de pijamas!). Te echo muchísimo de menos y estoy contando las horas hasta que te vuelva a ver el domingo. Muchos besos.

Gillian Lord Ward said...

PD - Se me olvidó tu corazón, así que te doy muchos ahora:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Adam said...

Next time I come to Gainesville, we're all going to Monkey Sub. Maybe in our pijamas, tambien.