Breaking news...
Remember that new baby that Mami and Daddy say is going to come live with us in October? (You know, the one that's living in Mami's tummy right now...) Well, we have some more information about this creature - name, gender, all kinds of good things. Click here to find out.
Mami came back from Texas! And then she and Daddy went away again... But now they're home again!
Mami came back from her conference in Texas last Sunday. I was so happy to see her that I ran into the driveway and yelled "My Mami my Mami my Mami!" over and over, and I ran right in to her and gave her the biggest hug ever. We hugged sitting on the driveway for a while. Daddy and I had a great time together, but there's nothing better than having both parents home!
So luckily, the next day was Memorial Day and nobody went to work or school. Mami and Daddy and I spent the whole day together going to parks and playgrounds and all kinds of fun things. And then for dinner we went to a Mexican restaurant. Sometimes it takes a long time for your food to come (even if you yell "my comida!" at everyone that walks by!), so the best way to pass the time is by shaking your head side to side really fast, like this:

See? It worked! This looks like a lot of food for a girl my size, but believe me, I like me some tacos!

When we finished eating, Daddy and I climbed two sets of stairs and peeked over the railing at Mami. She saw us, eventually!

By the way, I'm wearing my Kentucky t-shirt in these pictures because Mami didn't bring me a t-shirt home from Texas. She said that they were $17 -- I don't really know what that means, but apparently it means I don't get a t-shirt!
So after all that fun, Mami and Daddy left me again! (Shocking, I know.) It was their anniversary, so I guess they're allowed to get one night away. They went to St. Augustine and had a really fancy dinner, from the looks of this photo:

I spent the night at Grandma and Granddaddy's house, and just to get Mami and Daddy back for leaving me, I decided to throw up on Grandma a few times. Sorry, Grandma.
I seem better today. I don't have a fever or anything and I'm acting better, but I don't have much appetite, either. I did manage to suffer my way through a popsicle.

And I even managed a cheezy grin to show how happy I am that everyone's home again.

As far as I know, nobody is going away again any time soon...
So luckily, the next day was Memorial Day and nobody went to work or school. Mami and Daddy and I spent the whole day together going to parks and playgrounds and all kinds of fun things. And then for dinner we went to a Mexican restaurant. Sometimes it takes a long time for your food to come (even if you yell "my comida!" at everyone that walks by!), so the best way to pass the time is by shaking your head side to side really fast, like this:
See? It worked! This looks like a lot of food for a girl my size, but believe me, I like me some tacos!
When we finished eating, Daddy and I climbed two sets of stairs and peeked over the railing at Mami. She saw us, eventually!
By the way, I'm wearing my Kentucky t-shirt in these pictures because Mami didn't bring me a t-shirt home from Texas. She said that they were $17 -- I don't really know what that means, but apparently it means I don't get a t-shirt!
So after all that fun, Mami and Daddy left me again! (Shocking, I know.) It was their anniversary, so I guess they're allowed to get one night away. They went to St. Augustine and had a really fancy dinner, from the looks of this photo:
I spent the night at Grandma and Granddaddy's house, and just to get Mami and Daddy back for leaving me, I decided to throw up on Grandma a few times. Sorry, Grandma.
I seem better today. I don't have a fever or anything and I'm acting better, but I don't have much appetite, either. I did manage to suffer my way through a popsicle.
And I even managed a cheezy grin to show how happy I am that everyone's home again.
As far as I know, nobody is going away again any time soon...
Happy Birthday Jacob
Busy Saturday Morning with Daddy
Wow, what a fun Saturday morning Daddy and I had. I let him sleep a little late today (almost seven o'clock!), then we helped each other get dressed and I had a little breakfast. After that we talked to Mami on the phone and watched a little Diego and Backyardigans on TV, but Daddy had some surprises in store for me. He hadn't had breakfast yet, so he took me to a restaurant I hadn't been to before called Waffle House. He seemed to be pretty excited about it, so I humored him.
Sometimes you have to wave the menu around to get the waitress' attention, but they were very nice. They brought us huevos and a pancake (Daddy called it a waffle, but I wanted to call it a pancake, so I did) and something called "scattered, smothered and covered hash browns." I ate all the huevos and let Daddy eat the other stuff. He said Uncle John would be dissapointed that I didn't try that scattered and smothered stuff.
The we went to the Butterfly Rainforest inside the Florida Museum of Natural History! BOY was it fun! It was just like being in an episode of Diego, except everything was real (and there weren't any whales).
This is one of the millions of butterflies we saw there. I like this kind. Especially when they don't land on me. I did think it was the height of hilarity when one landed right on Daddy's head though ...
I thought it would be a good idea to sing to the butterflies, so I gave them a few bars of "castaways" from the Backyardigans. Hi butterflies!
Then we went inside the museum and looked at bones and stuff. Daddy was pretty excited about it, but by that time I really wanted to lounge around a bit. This bench in the wetlands exhibit seemed like a good opportunity ...
As we were leaving we looked at this really big shark jaw. I wasn't too sure how to feel about that.
But I figured it out pretty quickly. I'm OUTTA here! Daddy, didn't you say something about going to Grandma's house now?
Note from Mami
Thanks for the note Mami!
Texas? Hmmm... Hey, I can almost reach that one!
Have I mentioned what an important person Mami is? She's so good at her job that she and some friends of hers have been invited to make a presentation at another important meeting. This time it's in Texas, which doesn't mean a whole lot to me, except that unlike Canada and Kentucky, I can almost reach it on the map!
I'm taking good care of Daddy (actually Grandma made us dinner tonight), but I really miss Mami. We talked to her on the phone and I told her about my day, but it's just not the same...
Buenas noches Mami!
Mi tutu y yo
I got a package in the mail yesterday. That, in and of itself, is very exciting, since I don't get much mail.I opened it to discover that my Nana had sent me a tutu! (She must have been very impressed by the ballet I danced for her when she was here visiting a couple weeks ago.) Well, Nana, just look at me now --this is ballet, like it was meant to be:
A pox on our house?
I woke up Sunday with a rash on my arms and legs, which started slowly spreading to the rest of my body. We were afraid it might be chicken pox
. . . but we hoped it would be all gone by Monday.
Alas, no luck. This is how I woke up Monday - much much worse, with this rash all over my body.

We're pretty sure now that it isn't chicken pox, it doesn't look like it, but what on earth is it?

The weird thing is, I don't have a fever and I feel pretty much fine. See, I can even give a cheezy smile!

We're going to see Dr. Grooms this morning, so we'll have an update soon...
UPDATE (from Mami)
Dr. Grooms says this is just an allergic reaction. To what, we're not entirely sure. We can't think of any kind of food or product that it could be, and Dr. Grooms says that kids can get allergic reactions to viruses. (Weird, huh?) She said to take Claritin, soak in oatmeal baths (how luxurious, for someone already scared of the bath!), and wait for it to pass. But in the meantime she's not contagious or feverish or sick at all, so she got the green light to go back to school. She couldn't wait to go play with her friends. The first thing she told everyone was that her name, today, was "Goofy Polkadots!"
. . . but we hoped it would be all gone by Monday.
Alas, no luck. This is how I woke up Monday - much much worse, with this rash all over my body.
We're pretty sure now that it isn't chicken pox, it doesn't look like it, but what on earth is it?
The weird thing is, I don't have a fever and I feel pretty much fine. See, I can even give a cheezy smile!
We're going to see Dr. Grooms this morning, so we'll have an update soon...
UPDATE (from Mami)
Dr. Grooms says this is just an allergic reaction. To what, we're not entirely sure. We can't think of any kind of food or product that it could be, and Dr. Grooms says that kids can get allergic reactions to viruses. (Weird, huh?) She said to take Claritin, soak in oatmeal baths (how luxurious, for someone already scared of the bath!), and wait for it to pass. But in the meantime she's not contagious or feverish or sick at all, so she got the green light to go back to school. She couldn't wait to go play with her friends. The first thing she told everyone was that her name, today, was "Goofy Polkadots!"
Mami's growing...
Mami and Daddy keep talking about how I'm going to have this new little brother or sister in October. Up until recently, however, I saw no evidence of such a creature growing in Mami's tummy, where they said it was. The last couple of days, though, I've noticed Mami has a little less lap for me to sit on... Maybe there's some truth to all this after all...
A day on campus
We all went to campus Saturday. First, Daddy gave me horsey rides around. I called this "riding the range" (after my favorite Backyardigans episode), and kept telling anyone who asked that my horse's name was "Harvey."

Then we ended up at the UF barber shop, where Mr. Jay cut Daddy's hair. I stayed there with him and told him not to worry and that it would be alright. Daddy was a big boy, he didn't cry at all!

While Daddy was getting tortured, I mean getting his hair cut, Mami and I went to feed the ducks. We only saw two ducks, but there were tons of turtles, so we fed them too. They like wheat thins and blue corn tortilla chips, apparently (which Mr. Jay was nice enough to give us).

After that, I wandered around campus a little bit.

And climbed a tree!

And then it was off to class for me...

Just kidding. We went to eat lunch at the Swamp Restaurant, which is where all the cool kids go to eat.

I had a grilled cheese sandwich, which was delicious. Then we went home and I took a big long nap. Being a college student is exhausting!
Then we ended up at the UF barber shop, where Mr. Jay cut Daddy's hair. I stayed there with him and told him not to worry and that it would be alright. Daddy was a big boy, he didn't cry at all!
While Daddy was getting tortured, I mean getting his hair cut, Mami and I went to feed the ducks. We only saw two ducks, but there were tons of turtles, so we fed them too. They like wheat thins and blue corn tortilla chips, apparently (which Mr. Jay was nice enough to give us).
After that, I wandered around campus a little bit.
And climbed a tree!
And then it was off to class for me...
Just kidding. We went to eat lunch at the Swamp Restaurant, which is where all the cool kids go to eat.
I had a grilled cheese sandwich, which was delicious. Then we went home and I took a big long nap. Being a college student is exhausting!
Happy Mother's Day
As a special Mother's Day treat, Nana (that's Mami's mami) came to visit us, and to surprise us she brought my Uncle Adam with her too! Mami was really happy to be able to spend the weekend with them (and, of course, with me and Daddy too!), and we all had a nice Mother's Day.
I especially, as you can see, enjoyed the presents!
I especially, as you can see, enjoyed the presents!
Fun outdoors
I'm sure you remember, blog fans, how much I love this fountain near Mami's office on campus. Well, we stopped there to cool off and play a little this weekend.
As usual, it took me a while to want to get close to the water...

Mami held my hand and we walked through together. I warmed up to it pretty fast and started having a lot of fun.

Then Nana walked through it with me, but our timing wasn't as good - the water came on right as we were in the middle! It got us both wet!

OK, I ended up wetter than either Nana or Mami, but I loved every minute of it!

When we got home later, Uncle Adam played in the back yard with me. We dug all kinds of things.

Then I went down the slide...

and Adam pushed me on the big-girl swing.

And then we just relaxed in the hammock.

What a great day playing outdoors and having fun with my family!
As usual, it took me a while to want to get close to the water...
Mami held my hand and we walked through together. I warmed up to it pretty fast and started having a lot of fun.
Then Nana walked through it with me, but our timing wasn't as good - the water came on right as we were in the middle! It got us both wet!
OK, I ended up wetter than either Nana or Mami, but I loved every minute of it!
When we got home later, Uncle Adam played in the back yard with me. We dug all kinds of things.
Then I went down the slide...
and Adam pushed me on the big-girl swing.
And then we just relaxed in the hammock.
What a great day playing outdoors and having fun with my family!
My second haircut
I got my haircut this past weekend. It was pretty traumatic for me, even though I'd gotten it cut before a few months ago. We went to see Courtney, the woman who cuts Mami's hair, and even though she was really nice and Mami likes her a lot, I was still very scared.

We looked around the salon to see all the other people getting their hair cut too, and they didn't seem nearly as scared as I was. I wonder why... Some of them were even having their hair washed - the horror!

I finally relaxed a little bit, just enough to let Courtney cut the hair in front too.

As you will see in other pictures, it's a very nice hair cut and I'm very happy with it. Not happy enough to go see Courtney any time soon, mind you, but I keep telling everyone my hair is 'beautiful'!
We looked around the salon to see all the other people getting their hair cut too, and they didn't seem nearly as scared as I was. I wonder why... Some of them were even having their hair washed - the horror!
I finally relaxed a little bit, just enough to let Courtney cut the hair in front too.
As you will see in other pictures, it's a very nice hair cut and I'm very happy with it. Not happy enough to go see Courtney any time soon, mind you, but I keep telling everyone my hair is 'beautiful'!
"We the people..."
I know not all of my blogger fans will agree with the message that John Edwards is conveying in this web ad, but I hope that nonetheless you'll all be able to appreciate my acting, if not my political activism.
(P.S. You have to watch through to almost the end, about 1 minute 36 seconds or so...)
You can also see this ad on John Edwards' site.
(P.S. You have to watch through to almost the end, about 1 minute 36 seconds or so...)
You can also see this ad on John Edwards' site.
Back to my normal (mischievous) self!
Wow, it was a long week of being sick! But I'm finally feeling much better and I'm on antibiotics for my ear infection and my bronchitis. And I'm back to my same old silly self.
I had some fresas (strawberries) with dinner, and they were yummy.

They (along with a fork) are also very good for painting your tummy!

Silly me... It's good to be back to "normal"!
I had some fresas (strawberries) with dinner, and they were yummy.
They (along with a fork) are also very good for painting your tummy!
Silly me... It's good to be back to "normal"!
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