
I'm a counting fiend!

I'm a multilingual counter! At dinner tonight I showed Mami and Daddy how I can count my blueberries in English and Spanish, and rumor has it I'm learning to count in Hebrew at school too. (We have no evidence of that language, but here are a couple of examples of my other skills.)
Note that by 'counting' I mean reciting the numbers. I don't actually mean counting a particular number of objects or anything... Please, give me some time to learn all these things!

[So, OK, I get a little tripped up at the whole fifteen~sixteen~forxteen thing, I'm working on it. And with Humpty Dumpty apparently needing a diaper change, well, it's hard to concentrate...]


Unknown said...

Too funny. Resli, you never fail to make my day.

Dr. L said...

Resli, I"m so impressed with your counting skills. And you are so busy counting and changing Humpty's diaper -- you keep a busy schedule! I loved the "never mind" at the end -- that was the adorable.