I'm a big sister!
This is my little sister Lela Dorothy Ward (check her blog for updates here, but it may take a few days...). Lela was born on October 29th at 10:30pm. She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and measured 21 inches. (Yea, it took me months to get that big!)

I met her in the hospital yesterday. This is me sitting with my Nana, she gave the proper introductions.

Then I whispered "Hellloooo baby Lela! I'm your big sister!" She's tiny, I didn't want to scare her by shouting, like I usually do.

When Grandma held Lela, I decided I could rub her tummy a little. I like it when Mami does that to me, so I figure Lela should like it too.

Then I rubbed her face a little. Can you see what big chubby cheeks she has? They're soft, and kind of fun to play with!

Look! She opened her eyes! Hi Lela! Welcome to the world! I just know we're going to have the greatest times together. I'm so glad you're my little sister...

And I promise to be the best big sister I possibly can!
Hi Resli, I'm so glad you finally got to meet your new sister! You're going to be a great big sis!
Felicidades, Resli! Tu hermanita esta preciosa!
Como esta tu mami? Seguro que feliz y no muy cansada teniendo en casa a una tan linda como tu!
Por favor, felicitame a tus papis!
oops! no salio bien mi mensaje anterior.
Deberia decir "a una ayudante tan linda como tu".
Hi Resli! Congratulations on the arrival of you new little sister, Lela. She is just as pretty as you! You are going to make a great big sister!
Kristen and Nathan
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