For several weeks now, Mami and Daddy have been trying to convince me to stop sucking my thumb. For the post part, I ignored them. But then one day, pretty much on my own, I just up and decided that I wouldn't suck it anymore.
(I'm very strong willed. If you tell me the sky is blue I will swear it's fuschia. But if you tell me you don't care what color it is, I'll describe it in minute perfect detail...)
Sooo, anyway, for about two and a half weeks now, I simply have not sucked my thumb during the day at all. The only time I do it is during nap time or bed time, and even then just for a couple minutes. Mami and Daddy are very proud of me and Mami took me on a special treat today to celebrate what a big, thumbless girl I am - I got a real manicure and pedicure!
I was a little confused at first, what with the bathtub for my feet and all, but I adjusted pretty quickly. My pedicurist was extremely nice and gentle.

We washed my feet and then scrubbed them. (As if I have any callouses at my tender age!)

It tickled!

Then I got a calf massage. I tried to lie back and relax but it tickled a little too!

And then... we painted. I got to pick my own colors!

We painted my hands too. I picked a different color for them.

And here's the final product:

OK, here's a close-up. Fingers = bright purple, toes = turquoise!

I'm very proud of myself, and it was so much fun!